Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Edinburgh Festival (V1): One-(wo)man plays, stand-up comedies, rock concert, dance and musicals.....

During the week that pakdokter was in Edinburgh, pakdokter managed to see about 10 shows or so and this was quite an achievement considering that there were so many things to do and see during this Festival.

"The Tempest' was the first play pakdokter saw at the Edinburgh College of Art. It was somewhat not up to the mark (by pakdokter's evaluation) or perhaps Shakespeare is not simply pakdokter's stuff....
The Edinburgh College of Art also put up an exhibition of 'rock' art and carvings on their courtyard and some of the artists were at work with their art pieces during the festival.

'Janis' - a one-woman play performed by an actor from Brighton, Nicky, who potrayed the life of Janis Joplin, the famous rock singer of the hippie days. We bumped into 'Janis a.k.a. Nicky' the next day in the Edinburgh University Library while having a drink and waiting to go to the next show. She was surprised that at our age ( "we did not look like we belong to that period", she said) we were interested in and knew about Janis Joplin.....

"The Dentist" was a powerful one-woman drama about the relationship of a physician with her elderly father from Salonika, Greece, who was a victim of the Nazi persecution of the Jews but survived his time at the Auschwitz. In the play she regularly switched roles between being herself as a child, being her grumpy and irritable father as well as some other characters who were of significance to her life. Only towards the last moment of his life did she finally understood the 'moodiness' of her father who had to live and endure the unpleasant memories of being the 'dentist' - the person in charge of extracting gold teeth from victims who were burnt and killed in the camp.

This Aussie lass was funny...
her stand-up comic centred around failures of relationship...

a great British Indian stand-up comic....
he mimicked and acted out more than 50 characters of famous stars
and personalities within the hour long show in hilarious skits...

what a rocker.......
she performs like Madonna
her voice was strong, sultry and sexy...
her lyrics were poetic
an 'Irish' discovery for pakdokter....
pakdokter's partner managed to get Camille to autograph her CD ....

this choir performed in a church at Shandwick Street...
world music that can pass off as reggae and samba...
the church has 'fantastic' acoustic...

truly Cuban......
great choreography within a simple story-line...
made pakdokter yearn to go to Havana...!

probably the best show that pakdokter saw during this festival...
the country that has produced so many beauty queens...
brought this award winning dance-musical narrating the story and history
of Venezuela.....
the 'belly-dancers' of the Caliphs of Moorish Spain make the
belly-dancers of Cairo and Istanbul look like school dancers.....
the 'flamenco' dancers were first class matching the girls from Sevilla...
and hot hot slasa, samba, merenge and rhumba too.....

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