Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Edinburgh Festival (V11) : The International Book Festival...

The Edinburgh International Book Festival was held at Charlotte Square. This downtown park was filled up with exhibition halls, lecture halls and a cafe for refreshments and food while being entertained by live jazz musicians!
Looking through the brochure, apart from book exhibitions, the month-long Book Festival had also lined up about 700 events involving about 750 participants from all over the world!
There were poetry and short-story reading by renowned writers. There were lectures on every topic on earth by expert writers of their respective fields. There were new book launches. There were workshops for writing fiction, for the radio, for the tv etc etc......
Pakdokter's partner signed up for an event or two for almost everday of the week. We could easily have spent the whole month here for there were so many interesting programmes to take part in. Even children had programmes and activities catered for them.....
One of the speakers that caught pakdokter's attention was a session by Dr Raj Persaud, a fellow British psychiatrist who had written a few books on mental health of which pakdokter had bought and read several of them. Dr Raj Persaud is an excellent communicator on mental health issues and regularly appears on the BBC discussing mental health topics.

a latte while studying the programme before signing up...
most of the sessions were probably sold out
judging from the long queue going into the lecture halls....

pakdokter was happy with a pint and listening to
live standard jazz on the guitar by the local musicians...

the central courtyard of the park was also a comfortable area to rest
and enjoy a pint in fresh cool summer air.....

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