Thursday, March 31, 2011
Jazz Clubs in Bangkok...
Interport Game: RSGC vs RSBC in Bangkok

Snapshots with the Stars...
George Benson: Greatest Hits...
Sunday, 6th March 2011
George Benson played in a second concert on Sunday night featuring hiw own greatest hits. The concert was also played to a full house.
Every main event at this 'Festival' was preceeded by the singing of the Indonesian National Anthem. Pakdokter was very impressed by the enthusiasm of the crowd in singing their National Anthem. It reflected how 'nationalistic' and proud they are of their country.
What they did not tolerate was 'longer-than-necessary' speeches by 'politico-organisers' who wanted to capitalise on this event for their own political ends. This was witnessed when the Chief of Tourism Indonesia wanted to thank and acknowledge the US Embassy in Jakarta which had sponsored some of the main performers who came from the USA. Despite the speech being less than 2 minutes ( to pakdokter's estimate), he was 'booed' and told to finish up quickly. Nobody wanted to hear a long 'political' speech during a 'party' like this....
Juan de Marcos Afro Cuban Band
New York Samba Quartet...
Sunday, 6th March 2011
This quartet, if pakdokter remembers it right, was made up of three Brazilians and one Scandinavian who have now made New York their home.
Selections of Indonesian Bands..
Sunday, 6th March 2011
There were easily 30 to 40 band groups from Indonesia taking part in this Java Jazz Festival and after 2 weeks it is impossible for pakdokter to remember their names. Below pakdokter has posted some short video-clips of the types of music they play....
Joey DeFrancesco Trio
Saturday, 5th march 2011
Joey deFrancesco Trio was one of the big jazz names that played at the Festival.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Jazz form Cuba....
Santana Round 2: A near 'stampede'.......

An Indonesian Big Band....

Long Queue for Dinner...
George Benson: A Tribute to Nat King Cole..

Day 2: Java Jazz Festival 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Another Indonesian Jazz Band...